Marc Goldner, one of the founders, serves as Chairman & C.E.O.

Rachel Korsen, a founder, acts as President & Chief Creative Officer
Golden Bell Studios was formed with the hope of merging new and classic content to create timeless experiences for consumers of entertainment. Marc, Rachel, and Rob began their foray into the world of entertainment as creators. They wrote their stories together years prior to even the formation of Golden Bell and collaborated on every idea and story from the conception, writing, to the final artwork. Ultimately, they didn't only see themselves as simply publishers and distributors, but as creators first who could build a brand centered around creators like themselves. Golden Bell is a company by creators, created for the creator. Golden Bell Studios has imprints ranging from The Sunday Comics, Saturday Morning Cartoons, Stuffimals, Timeless Studios, Golden Bell Games and Polar Press. Golden Bell illustrates a passion for various mediums and a dream to jumpstart the nostalgia of a time gone by. The Sunday Comics merges an age old medium of newspaper strips by fusing it with serialized storytelling of the modern comic age. While The Sunday Comics houses over 300 creators, Saturday Morning Cartoons strives to inspire audiences with humorous, emotional, and story driven animations created in house and in collaboration. Additionally, Golden Bell’s Stuffimals brand launches quality stuffed animals like the Fatterpillars for anyone who’s ever and will ever love a stuffed animal. Not willing to rest its laurels on productions aimed for all ages, Timeless Studios dedicates its mission solely to bring content geared for a more mature audience. Additionally, Golden Games will bring a variety of fun experiences, from original properties to newly developed ideas, to your home ranging from board games, card games, toys and even video games. Lastly, Polar Press aims to deliver novels, children’s books and other illustrated stories that will be sure to bring joy to all modern American families.
Our approach as creators and storytellers is one we've been refining since we were young. Each of us loves similar things, both western and eastern influences are present in the stories we enjoy whether that be in comics, animation, anime, manga, film, television, literature and other forms of media and entertainment. Using storytelling techniques both thematic and stylistic, philosophies and inspirations from both Western and Eastern traditions, the stories told by Golden Bell are a perfect marriage of artistic sensibilities technological innovation that ultimately creates a New Wave of expression. Golden Bell dedicates itself to revitalizing entertainment in ways unheard of in today's industry, ushering in a new, innovative way of delivering quality content that's both unique and has massive appeal across the globe.
At the end of the day, we're combining the artistic, technological, and storytelling traditions of the East and West from various time periods, showing a passion for telling stories for a global market. Because, ultimately, we believe that our stories are universal, that they can appeal to a wide variety of people everywhere around the world.
Everyday, Golden Bell fuses entertainment we love and enjoy from all time periods to create something fresh and exciting, promising to deliver timeless content for generations to come. It’s just something you don't see anymore.
The Sunday Comics "Mission" can be summarized as "The Sunday Comics for Change". We beleive that entertainment is lacking around the world today. Additionally, we've set up a traveing gallery exhibition callled "The Sunday Comics for a Cure" which will house original art from The Sunday Comics all around the world. Work with us as we expand our global reach!
You won't want to miss a beat on all of our exciting adventures and what the future holds for Golden Bell Entertainment...stay tuned, everyone!

Robert Gross, a co-founder, acts as Chief Content Officer

Lucky Spot, a Good Boy, one of the founders, and just really "Coot". Lucky serves as Chief Puppy Officer and may just yet be heir to the Golden Bell Empire. He's also rumored to be working on a novel.
A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, when he's not being told to "LEAVE IT," Lucky enjoys long walks, cuddles, and burying his stuffed, pink bear in random places all over his home. Yes, that's right his home. He's the King of the Castle around here! While his life goals are many, besides being a good boy, Lucky is writing a rather extensive novel. Anytime someone gets up from the computer, he hops right on to get some 'compooter' time! Every day he carries his leash up the stairs without anyone helping him. This dog has a bright future and he cheers on his team no matter the project. He was only born 7 months ago and is already running Golden Bell. Impressive. This fortunate puppy has a lot on his mind, and he can't wait to share more with his fans and followers [insert shameless social media plug here}.
He's a bit new on social media as in he launches today on Instagram @TheLuckyCavalier
NOTE: Lucky is NOT wearing a Bark Collar, it is a GPS Tracker called Whistle (we know someone will ask, so we're being proactive in answering any and all questions) so there's nothing to worry about. Nothing to see here. Lucky is grateful he eats mostly human food...

Lady Luna, puppy in charge, one of the co-founders since she was born after her half-brother Lucky, and a really good girl. Lady serves as Chief Fluffy Officer and is the second in line to the Golden Bell Empire. She's been forced to work in the Entertainment industry, she really wanted to work in Finance.
Lady handles the day to day finances of Golden Bell and gives expert legal advice on the day to day trivial nonsense Golden Bell gets faced with. She's learned to be a tough doggie who doesn't tolerate any nonsense and lives her life by the numbers and the letter of the law. It's rumored that she is attending multiple graduate schools at the same time too!
A serial entrepreneur at heart, Marc has worked on many businesses. He has been involved with international water purification, manufacturing, distribution, production, and finance. It was always his goal to start an entertainment company. Never straying too far from that path, he spent years developing original content, be it a TV Series, Comic Books, or Animations. After Marc and Rachel met, they spent years developing original stories together, along with their newfound friend and business partner, Rob. The synergies that came from every meeting were just something special. The birth of Golden Bell has a great origin story, ranging from a Study Abroad trip around Europe, to coming up with "Golden Bell" in a diner. It was a long road to get here, but the journey makes it worth reaching for. With a background in Business Law, Entertainment, Entrepreneurship, and Film, Marc has led Golden Bell towards new heights and paves the road for shaping a beautiful future!
Rachel started her journey into storytelling through manga and anime. With major influences from stories like Naruto to the amazing films of Miyazaki, she wanted to enter the world of comics and animation. She has been consistently drawing her entire life in many different styles ranging from manga, to comics, cartoons, as well as painting traditional still lifes. She has a true passion for arts and storytelling. Rachel helps develop concept designs for the stories being produced by Golden Bell Entertainment as well as assist in other creator's work by drawing characters and concepts to coloring their inked artwork. She also assists in the business by figuring out distribution models, pitches, and production.
Come follow Rachel on Instagram @RachelKorsen.Art
A lifelong fan and supporter of arts and entertainment, Robert wanted to tell stories since watching his first VHS copy of Star Wars. Whether it's comics, books, animations or live action films he enjoys writing and editing stories in any medium. While always working towards realizing his dream, Robert began most of his work with Marc and Rachel during their tenure in University.
With a background in Film Production, Robert also helps manage the content bringing a keen business sense to mix with his creative passions. He currently develops all of the in house stories in collaboration with Marc and Rachel.
Golden Bell Original IP, Art, and Stories

Michael Sacal, Creator of Majestic, is the Editor in Chief of Golden Liberty Comics

Jonathan Meller, Golden Composer, 3D Modeler, Game Designer
Michael Sacal is the the Creative Director of the Majestic Universe/Age, and creator and writer of Knights' Legacy, an Arthurian epic following the modern heirs to the legacy of the Pendragon. In addition to his work with Majestic, Michael is the Editor-in-Chief of Golden Bell's Liberty Comics. He manages content development, new acquisitions, art and editorial, and creative direction of the many brands being grown within the company.
A seasoned veteran of the comics industry, he's created, developed, and written several creator-owned works and served as creative consultant for VALIANT Entertainment on concepts such as Archer & Armstrong, Shadowman, Eternal Warrior, Harbinger, X-O Manowar, and Ninjak.
Through the years Michael become an invaluable member of the team and looks forward to the new horizons and opportunities at Golden Bell Studios. Currently Michael resides in Mexico City with his family.
An integral member of the team, Jon serves as Golden Bell's internal composer. He's composed various themes for many properties over the years, his most recent being the Unbroken original score to enhance the solo atmosphere. Additionally, Jon acts as a 3D modeler, his touch can be felt in the flip of a Venture Party coin or in the dual-layered sheets of Unbroken. Jon started working with Golden Bell on The Valiard Mansion, scoring a 2D animated trailer.

Nikki Storme, Golden Artist, Graphic Designer, Editor, Game Designer, Mexican Food Connoisseur
Nikki Storme is an enthusiastic and dedicated internal artist and collaborator with Golden Bell Studios. When she's not working on GB IP, she's studying animation and narrative mediums from her favorite inspirations like Disney and Nintendo. Don't let her super adorable facade fool you, Nikki is a true horror fan at heart, and loves trolling her bosses with her spot on Samara impression. She'll have work produced in the upcoming solo game, Unbroken.

Director of Sales, Business Development, Marketing
Andy brings a lot to the table not only in helping with sales, but also aiding in business development both from a creative and marketing standpoint. With a sound mind for team building, Andy's passion for games and all creative mediums shines through on a daily basis. Coaching soccer at various levels, Andy is a valued member of the Golden Bell team...and helped puppeteer the Anxiety Troll.

Alexander Flanagin, Golden Game Designer, Graphic Designer, Painter, Developer, Editor
Head of game development, Alexander Flanagin helps design, balance, edit, and develop games with the Golden Games team. Always quick with a joke, Alex enjoys scouring BGG for the latest gaming trends and eating burgers. Also enjoys stealing Rob's glasses to look more like a hipster.
In-House Animation Directing, Writing, and Game Design
Rachel's Art Portfolio for Golden Bell Branded Products
Golden Advisors

Robert Goldner, Manufacturing, Operations & Logistics Support
Robert Garson, Outside Legal Counsel and Award Winning Voice Actor
Robert Goldner started his career in the licensing and importing business over 27 years ago. Having started his own company and working with globally recognized brands such as Samsonite, Harley Davidson, MLB, NBA, NFL, Marker, Corvette, GM, Carlos Falchi, Pac-Man, Pink Panther, and dozens of others his knowledge is unparalleled in the world of licensing and product development. Aside from being Marc's father, Bobby (for short), has been an integral part of helping facilitate Golden Bell's growth and aiding in developing a legitimate structure to the business that ranges from Warehousing, Manufacturing, Freight, Shipping & Storage, Sourcing, Working Conditions, and Distribution. Having handled all aspects of business internally for decades, he's learned how to overcome obstacles of going through the standard channels of distribution and has reinvented certain industries such as the Luggage licensing business.
Having started in Real Estate over 30 years ago, with a series of some fortunate events, he miraculously wound up in the world of business with his wife Mondi, whom both currently live in New York and work together globally.

Dr. Shashi Matta, International Marketing Consultant and Brand Manager
Professor Shashi Matta serves as the Faculty Director of the Full-Time MBA and Working Professional MBA programs, and Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing, at Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University. Dr. Matta is an expert in marketing strategy, branding, positioning, marketing metrics and investment, customer experience, and service management. Dr. Matta’s expertise in these fields has led him to be invited as the Audi Guest Professor at the WFI - Ingolstadt School of Management in Germany for the past three years. Along with winning multiple teaching awards, Dr. Matta’s research on cognitive and affective processes in consumer perception has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Review of Marketing Research and Emotion.
What started as a quote from Shashi to Marc in class, "You Are Not The Market", turned into a longlasting friendship and mentorship for years to come.
Dr. Matta taught Marketing classes to Marc and Jim at Ohio State University, and currently serves as an advisor to Golden Bell Studios’ leadership team.
Before arriving in the United States, Robert Garson was a successful barrister in the U.K. for 10 years. For the last 7 years, he has established himself as a partner at GS2Law with the vision that high quality attorneys didn’t have to come with an equally-high price tag. Upon first arriving to the States, Robert had met Marc at a charity fundraiser for ISEF and had reconnected with the whole Golden Bell team by pure happenstance as he auditioned for various roles in The Valiard Mansion. Robert has established himself in federal district courts, international tribunals in intellectual property law as well as whistleblower law. Robert resides in New York; an attorney by day, and an voice actor by night.

Ludwig Kuttner, Investor, Developer, Philanthropist, and Patron of the Arts
Born in Munich in 1946, Mr. Kuttner grew up in postwar Germany and studied law at the Universities of Munich and Regensburg. He moved with his family to the United States in 1977 and served as CEO, president and chairman of the board of Hampshire Group Limited, a leading apparel company. He is now CEO of K Holdings and president of Hampshire Investments, both real estate and investment companies.
Mr. Kuttner is a cofounder of the New York Academy of Art, a supporter of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation, a board member of Tibet House and a longtime benefactor to many in the Charlottesville arts community including Live Arts and Second Street Gallery. He has developed projects all over the world, from Germany to New York City; Austin, Texas; St. Petersburg, Russia; Prague, Czech Republic; and the Island of Ischia, Italy.
Ludwig had met Marc & Rachel on Semester at Sea in the Summer of 2014. They had become close friends which culminated in a Thanksgiving visit later that year. After graduating college in 2015, Rachel & Marc had lived in Charlottesville with Ludwig as he helped advise Golden Bell Studios in its early days upon its initial conception.
Golden Writer's Room
Corporate Social Responsbility
Tony Tinervia,
Director of Keys to Autism

Lil' Bunny Sue Roux
Inspiration to People Everywhere

Erik Craddock, Author and Illustrator
Ezelle Van Der Heever, Author and Illustrator
Sam Coates, Game Designer and Author
Bradley Laufman, Screenwriter and Producer

In Memory Of
Paul Gullen
"Paul was not only a mentor here at Golden Bell, but he was a dear friend. Marc had met Paul at a summer english class and that friendship flourished into what would become a partnership and Golden Bell's first book for Polar Press and the first project worked on years before Golden Bell's founding. Rachel had worked with Paul for years developing The Love Of a Bingle Lancer and together had gotten to see the book to its completion together. Without Paul Golden Bell wouldn't have been the same. he helped us decide on the name while we were all still in college. Paul will not only be missed, but will always be remembered for his contributions to the world, and what he meant to us as a real family member. Thank you Paul for everything you've done and continue to give to the world even after you've gone."
Marc and Rachel
Matthew Mason
"Matt had grown close to Golden Bell in his time working as a graphic designer on Movie Buff. For the year they had worked together, Matt had never complained once or even mentioned anything about his illness, he was adamant about finishing the preliminary designs for the Buff Family of Games but we had never known why until the very end. We are all very thankful for the time we got to spend with Matt and know that Golden Games would not be what it is today without his inspiring artistic talents for Movie Buff and beyond. Thank you Matt, wherever you are always missed."
- The Golden Bell Family