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Lil Bunny Sue Roux
Lil Bunny Sue Roux or Roux on Two for short is someone you've probably seen around the interwebs. Roux is a cat bunny kangaroo with a bit of the jurassic in her in the form of a T. Rex! She was born in New Orleans without her front legs but still lives her life to the fullest! Roux is an inspiration to all different kinds of people and has shown each and every one of us what you can do no matter what. We're proud to be working with this adorable little cat on bringing a piece of her to everyone in the form of Stuffed Animals, Books, and so much more! So sign up and stay tuned for some updates or click one of the social media links to follow Roux's adventures!
You can follow Roux on Instagram @lilbunnysueroux or on Faceboook!

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